Skål International Madrid presents its 2024 Awards of Honour
The association held the event with the institutional sponsorship of the Community of Madrid.
On December 18, 2024 took place one of the most important events of the year for Skål International Madrid with the sponsorship of the Community of Madrid: the presentation of the Distinctions of Honor 2024, awards that recognize those companies and entities that have contributed to the development of Madrid and its knowledge in the world.
In this edition, the winners were Museo Chicote and Iberia. On behalf of Museo Chicote, its partners Rubén Gómez and Raúl Gómez received the award, and on behalf of Iberia, Sonia Sánchez, Director of Communications and Institutional Relations of the company.
It was a pleasure to have the support and participation of Laura Martinez Cerro, Director General of Tourism and Hospitality of the Community of Madrid. Also participating in the award ceremony were Almudena Maíllo, head of the Tourism Delegate Area of the Madrid City Council; and Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of UN Tourism.
The event was held at the centrally located hotel RIU Plaza España and was followed by our traditional Christmas Cocktail, attended by a large group of members of Skål International Madrid, Skål International Sevilla, Skål International Aragón and Skål International México accompanied by representatives of the entities and tourism associations of Madrid and Spain.

Top row, from right to left: Francisco Rivero, President of Skål International Spain; Laura Martinez, Director General of Tourism and Hospitality of the Community of Madrid; Ramón Adillón, President of Skål International Madrid; Natatia Bayona, Executive Director of UN Tourism; Sonia Sanchez, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations of Iberia; Isabel Oliver, Advisor to the Secretary General of UN Tourism. Bottom row from right to left: Rubén Gómez, partner Museo Chicote; Almudena Maíllo, head of delegated area of Tourism of Madrid City Council; Raúl Gómez, partner Museo Chicote; Ricardo Mar, General Secretary of Paradores.
Skål International Madrid 2024 Awards of Honour: Rubén Gómez and Raúl Gómez received the award on behalf of Museo Chicote.

Skål International Madrid 2024 Awards of Honour: Sonia Sánchez, Director of Communications and Institutional Relations of Iberia, collecting the award.

Santiago Vallejo, AEPT; Carlos Abella, Mesa Turismo; Ramon Adillon, Skål International Madrid; and Sergio Medina, Tuymilmas.

Ramon Adillon, Skål International Madrid; Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of UN Tourism; Isabel Oliver, Advisor to the Secretary General of UN Tourism; and Ricardo Mar, General Secretary of Paradores.