Message from Antonio Percario, International Skål Councillor Italy

Antonio Percario
International Skål Councillor Italy
Skål International Italy transformation programme
“We live in an historical period of change and we are aware that today a professional association must above all generate both business and professional opportunities”. This is the thought of Armando Ballarin, confirmed for the next two years at the Presidency of Skål International Italia.
“In this perspective,” says Armando Ballarin, “we want to continue Skål International's transformation program, making it the preferential counterpart of national, regional and local public bodies, in order to contribute and develop local and national tourism strategies and identify targeted marketing actions to promote tourism entering Italy through its associates”.
With this objective, Skål International will continue to give wider visibility, both nationally and internationally, in order to achieve a specific ‘identity’ and a more focused personality.
The action plan includes proselytizing activities with the foundation of new clubs, the consolidation of Skål Academy, of the Young Skål section already established in Skål International Rome and extended to other clubs in Venice, Palermo and Friuli, the organization of international conferences, being a Brand Ambassador of Italy and the consolidation and development of Skål International Europe Network.
A challenge to relaunch Skål International Italia's commitment, in order to meet the changing needs of the market, also through a continuous dialogue with its associates. A professional Think Tank, similar to a ‘clearing house’ to represent the various components of the tourist chain in a synergistic manner.
For those who enter and live in the world of work, membership in a club makes sense if it meets some specific needs including:
Get training from those working in the field to complete academic education.
Obtain privileged channels for access to the labor market.
Build a professional network of contacts.
How do Skål Italia clubs try to respond to these needs?
The common thread of their activities is that of knowing how to network, use the network to network.
The philosophy is 'Act Local, Think Global' – Internationalization as a key for growth.
Each Skål International Club must become a 'Promoter of the culture of doing'.
Proselytism & New Club
Proselytism Methodology
The primary objective is to reverse the trend of declining member numbers, in Italy and in the world.
The task of all members must be to make Skål International more and more known, to keep the high quality of members, and to involve new members in the Active and Young sections to preserve that right distinctive limelight towards all the other associations.
Each member is Skål International’s best ambassador.
Consequently, each member must raise awareness and introduce Skål International to his friends and professional context to proselytize.
This methodology has been very successful in Skål International Roma, which in 2019 has increased its membership bringing members from 121 to 161.
The goal is not only increase membership but also to carry out a widespread and targeted communication activity to the professionals represented by the 32 categories that are part of Skål International.
New Club Opening
Skål International Pompei - Ercolano - Stabiae
On the occasion of the BIT - Italian Tourism Exchange of Milan on 11 February, the President Prof Salvatore Visciano with the secretary Antonio Palummo presented the new Skål International Club to the press and to the regional and national institutions: Skål International Pompei - Ercolano - Stabiae, archaeological areas which are part of the UNESCO Heritage in Italy.
Young Skål & Skål Academy
How to give voice to young people.
The aim of the Young section is to give young people 'the opportunity to network', to receive training and find work.
Collaboration with JOB VALET was consolidated, the first specialized platform to find and offer human resources in the Tourism industry. Its algorithm was created to guide candidates in identifying and evaluating the typical skills (professional and interpersonal) of their role and allowing companies to find valid profiles, with experience and above all with specific skills and certifications in the role.
As part of training, Skål Academy Rome has consolidated and strengthened with training days in compliance with Leaning by Doing.
Skål Academy, an innovative and stimulating reality, a training laboratory created to detect the training needs of Skål International members, both young and senior, and to offer specific courses to promote career improvement and keep all members updated on new technologies, commercial and methodological innovations.
A ‘format’ to improve the knowledge of the member through learning sessions to which any member can apply and participate both as teachers and as students to stay in touch with the rapidly changing world of Tourism with different topics for each session.
It was also created to promote study visits, exchanges of trainers and interns and to strengthen collaboration with sister Skål International Clubs.
During 2019, 5 meetings were held regarding:
Social Network and Tourism market.
How I write and update a CV.
Job interviews: how to make and confirm a good impression.
Customer satisfaction and problem solving.
OTA and disinter-mediation. Scenario, trend, hotel.
A great success that will be repeated also in the next year compatibly with the situation of the COVID-19.
The characteristic of the Academy is that the teachers are Tourism professionals and entrepreneurs, members of Skål International Roma, according to our motto 'Experience at the service of colleagues'.
Cristina Ciferri and Tito Livio Mongelli, education experts, are the councilors in charge of the creation and management of the Skål Academy in Rome in collaboration with Alessandra Bertuzzi, Chairperson of Young Skål and Giada D'aleo, secretary of Skål International Roma.
Skål Academy is the right ‘trait d’union’ with universities and professional schools to create stronger synergy relationships for professional growth.
ETOA (European Tourism Association) and Skål International Rome.
The agreement between ETOA and Skål International Rome has been renewed, extended to all Skål International Italia and Skål International Europe Network members, exclusive commercial advantages, such as:
Affiliate Contribution Discount for all Skål International Roma members who want to associate their company with ETOA.
Access to the special fee dedicated to start-ups and micro operators to all Skål International members who want to associate their company with ETOA.
Skål International Italia is an active part in the establishment of Skål International Europe, aimed at coordinating joint programs between the European Skål Clubs.
Fairs and Tourism Workshops
Skål International Italia, with its local clubs and with a targeted program and a dedicated stand, is participating in the most important local and national fairs:
Albergatore Day (Roma)
Travelexpo (Palermo).
BIT – Italian Tourism Exchange (Milan).
Fare Turismo (Roma).
Hospitality Day.
Buy Lazio (Roma).
TTG travel experience (Rimini).
Internationalization as the key to growth!
Skål Club of the Year
For the first time in the history of Skål International Italia there was the candidacy of one of his clubs, Skål Roma to be nominated as 'Skål Club of the year'.
The ceremony held on the occasion of the Skål World Congress in Miami, during the cruise from 14 to 21 September 2019, saw Skål Roma obtain the Second Place as Skål Club of the Year 2019, preceded by Skål Bangkok and followed by Skål Northern New Jersey.
A big success!
70th Anniversary of Skål Roma
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Skål Rome, which took place from 14 to 17 November 2019, Romawas the host city of the Skål Europe Network by establishing the Skål Europe Day in Rome celebrated on 16 November 2019 in the presence of Daniela Otero, CEO Skål International; the clubs of Skål International Italia and the Presidents of the various clubs of Europe and of the twinned clubs.
For this occasion Skål Roma organized the 'Rome Skål Days' with a rich program of events, with 160 Skållegues from Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Hungary, UK and the USA.
Skål Europe Day
It took place on November 16th the Skål Europe Day with the first B2B workshop of Skål Europe Network with appointment system and the Forum on the future of European Tourism.
Birth of Skål Europe Network
On the occasion of the First Skål Europe Day, the document of the birth of Skål Europe Network was signed by all the European Presidents present at the event, a great opportunity to strengthen the network of Skål International European Clubs, never experienced before. A way to grow and grow, giving space to new members in an association that works on the construction of an ethical and responsible Tourism model respecting the differences and fundamental values.

Skål Europe Network Award
On the occasion of the Skål International Day, Skål Italia organized the first edition of the Skål Europe Network Award. Armando Ballarin presented the award to each representative of each country present at the event, distinguished by best practice on Tourism & Art, Tourism & Culture, Tourism & History, Accessible Tourism, Tourism & Sport, Active Tourism, and Wine & Gastronomy Tourism.
The award will become an annual event as part of the Skål Europe Network activities.
With the hope that COVID-19 will pass as soon as possible dear Skålleagues,
Stay healthy, stay at home.
Antonio Percario
International Skål Councillor Italy
Member of Skål Rome since 2009.
Vice President - 2011/2012.
Secretary 2013/2016.
President 2017 -2020.
Past President today.