Consumer rights and the protection of tourists
Skål International Webinar Series #RebuildingTourism
'Consumer rights and the protection of tourists' Panel at the Future of Tourism World Summit 2021.
Daniela Otero, Skål International CEO, participated in the Future of Tourism World Summit 2021 (Barcelona, Spain) as speaker in the panel 'Consumer rights and the protection of tourists', held on 26 October 2021.
The Future of Tourism World Summit 2021, an international event with top level speakers, hosted the panel discussion 'Consumer rights and the protection of tourists' on the creation of the international code of protection for tourists in the pandemic, conducted by Pedro R. Mondelo, President of ORP Foundation, with the participation of:
Daniela Otero, CEO, Skål International.
Pieter Louw, Co-founder, NeXplain.
Alicia Gómez Alapont, Legal Adviser, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
Jacobo Díaz Polo, Quirón Salud.
Miguel Mirones Díez, President, Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality (ICTE).

During the session, Alicia Gómez Alapont, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), assured that when the next UNWTO assembly, to be held in November in Madrid, approves the international code of protection for tourists (as a recommendation), countries will be able to adhere to it and implement it in their legislation.
Daniela Otero expressed her support for the code promoted by the UNWTO, and pointed out that it will be up to the states to apply it. She also wondered what the role of the states will be in supporting the SMEs linked to tourism affected by Covid-19, which make up "70% of the economy linked to tourism".
The session took place on the Spanish National Radio and Television (RTVE) stage set up for the event and was broadcasted live.
Watch the 'Consumer rights and the protection of tourists' Panel
Future of Tourism World Summit (Barcelona), 26 October’21.
Videos by: World Summit on the Future of Tourism.