Why Join Skål International?

Why Join Skål International?
This is the recorded session held last 29 September 2021, hosted by Burcin Turkkan (Senior Vice President & PR, Communications and Social Media at Skål International) and Lavonne Wittmann (Interim Director Member Relations & Engagement at Skål International), inviting all professionals in the travel and tourism industry to join Skål International and take advantage of the benefits of being a member of the world’s largest networking organisation.
Doing Business Among Friends
Skål International is the world's largest global network of Tourism Professionals promoting Tourism, Business and Friendship worldwide since 1934.
Its members are Directors and Executives of the Tourism sector who relate to each other to address issues of common interest, improving a business network and promoting destinations.
Are you ready to be a part of the largest Tourism and Travel network in the world? Join us!