Director - Communications, P.R. & Media Update - June '24

Melinda Brown

Director - Skål International Australia

Melinda Brown

Communications, P.R. & Media

Hello Skålleagues!

It’s been a minute. But what a minute it’s been!

I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the social media posts over the last month, showcasing the various events that have been happening around Australia, as well as in NZ, Bahrain and further afield. If you are not following your own Club, or Skål Australia on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, I encourage you to do so on one or more of these platforms. It’s a great way to stay informed about what is going on, both in Skål and in the industry at large. It’s encouraging to see that we have been slowly but surely growing our audience through the social media channels, and spreading the word about the great things happening in Skål across Australia.

If you have read President Ash’s message this month, you would know that unfortunately, we are not any closer to having a new Skål International website, nor individual Club sites. We understand what an impact this has on your ability to communicate with your existing members and market Skål and your Club to potential new members.

With this in mind, you will see that one of the new features of the Skål International Australia website, is a dedicated events page for listing for your monthly Club events. There is nothing better when travelling than to have the opportunity to visit another Skål Club and attend one of their events. It provides the chance to not only build your professional network, but to make new friendships – after all, we are a pretty friendly bunch, right? And given the fantastic line-up of guest speakers we have seen around the Clubs of late, you will likely learn something new about our industry too!

We will be placing a banner and link in this newsletter each month and while I am positive you will see the banner as you read the rest of this newsletter, here is a direct link to the new page:

I can’t take any of the credit for this new page, as our resident web-guru President Ash did the work of creating it. But I encourage all Clubs to send a list of your upcoming events, including the date, time, location and booking link to and we can have them added, so that visiting Skålleagues can join your events as they visit your area.

This week I will be attending the Skål South-East Queensland Combined Luncheon at Australia Zoo. Its promising to be an amazing event and I look forward to the chance to network with Skålleagues from SEQ (as well as a few ring-ins like myself, who are making the trip!).

I hope you enjoy the various reports and news this month. I hope to have the chance to catch up with some of you at the various events over the coming month!

Yours in Skål,

Melinda Brown
Director - Skål International Australia
Communications, P.R. & Media