Director - Communications, P.R. & Media Update - May '24

Melinda Brown

Director - Skål International Australia

Melinda Brown

Communications, P.R. & Media

Hello Skålleagues!

I hope you all managed to check out our fabulous World Skål Day video - wishing happiness, good health, friendship and long life to all. Thanks to all of the Clubs who contributed to the Aussie World Skål Day Toast, as well as Skål International Vice President Denise Scrafton and my fellow National Executive members. It certainly demonstrated the camaraderie of Skål shared across Australia. If you haven't seen it yet (where have you been!!??), you can check it out on our Facebook page, or CLICK HERE.

You will recall that last month there was a survey link in the newsletter, asking for feedback on the topics that Skålleagues feel should be addressed by the Skål International Training and Education & Florimond Volckaert Awareness Committee. My thanks to those from Australia and our friends across Oceania who completed this survey.

Unsurprisingly perhaps, the top-rated topics for consideration in regard to additional training resources were membership attraction and retention, Skål protocols and fundraising tips for clubs. One of the more popular training topics that perhaps was a little unexpected, but so important, was Club succession planning. All of these topic areas point to the goal of members to support, develop and expand their Clubs and they were reflected in the survey results from other parts of the world also. The Committee has taken this on board and is in discussion of how to proceed from here. I will keep you posted as things develop in this space.

I will be heading off next week with a few others in the Aussie contingent to New Zealand, to attend the Skål International Christchurch May event, as well as the Skål International New Zealand Congress. I’m very much looking forward to meeting many of the Region 13 Skålleagues and will be sure to keep members updated on the socials.

I hope you enjoy the various reports and news this month. Don’t forget if you are going to ATE24, make sure you catch up with the Melbourne Skålleagues at the event on Sunday 19th May!

Yours in Skål, 

Melinda Brown
Director - Skål International Australia
Communications, P.R. & Media