Vice President - Industry Engagement & Events Update - July '24

Tara Strickland

Vice President - Skål International Australia

Tara Strickland

Industry Engagement & Events

Greetings fellow Skålleagues!

Hands up if you are planning to head to beautiful tropical North Queensland for our upcoming National Assembly?! The Skål Club of Cairns has put together a brilliant program for us, you can find all the details on the website: including registration links.  It is shaping up to be an unforgettable weekend of professional and personal development, networking, and connecting with fellow Skålleagues from across the country.  Be sure to register before the end of August to secure your spot!

Looking towards 2025, we are thrilled to be joining the Skål Club of Broome for our National AGM, happily coinciding with Broome’s 30th anniversary.   Lock the dates in your diary NOW – 14 to 16 March 2025.  Broome will be sharing their program with us soon and we just know they are going to put on a stellar weekend for Skål Australia!

This is the FINAL CALL for Expressions of Interest to host the 112th Skal Australia National Assembly - September 2025.  Hosting an Assembly is an amazing opportunity to showcase YOUR Club and YOUR City!  It will strengthen the bond and build greater pride amongst your own club members whilst helping us all to grow and nurture connections with our fellow Australian Skålleagues.   It is a lot of work, yes, but the rewards are HUGE and I am personally here to guide and support the whole process along the way.  I encourage you to submit your EOI for our September 2025 Assembly.  Please complete the form before 31 July and forward through to our National Secretary, Sandy Hammond at

Yours in Skål,

Tara Strickland
Vice President - Skål International Australia

Industry Engagement & Events