Vice President - Membership Development & Young Skål Update - May '24
Taylor Spinks

Vice President - Skål International Australia
Taylor Spinks
Membership Development & Young Skål
Dear Skålleagues,
Welcome to our 16 new members that have joined Skål International around the country in April; it's always exciting when we have new friends that we can be doing business with.
Whether it is talking to potential members at your local events, chatting with people who have 'heard' of Skål or meeting those that are interested simply by you chatting about Skål there are many opportunities to be 'doing business amongst friends'.
I'd like to share (with the grace of Victoria Wales from Skål Christchurch) an acronym that captures these opportunities for you and new members to Skål.
S: Suppliers, Sales, Skills, Sustainability.
K: Key contacts, Key markets.
Å: Association, Affiliation, Agents, Access.
L: Leadership, Learning, Leverage.
Skål International is a professional organisation of tourism leaders around the world, promoting global tourism and friendship. It is the only international group uniting all branches of the travel and tourism industry.
Welcome again to our new members and I look forward to welcoming more to our organisation in the coming months.
Have a great May.
Taylor Spinks
Vice President - Skål International Australia
Membership Development & Young Skål